Saturday 30 October 2010

Hair freedom!

So 2day is my afros first day out in a loong time! Yaaay! I am not guna lie it feels so liberating! Duno what it is about it being out this tiem around that I feel like the whole world is watching me! When I first ventured out for some treason I felt extremely selg vonvious! Felt the whole world was looking at me! I was expecting someone 2 come up to be and try and touch it! And trust me dey would be licky if they left with der hand in tact if they tried that! Unfortunatly, it is raaaining! So as I hurriedly type this entry on my bb, I am doggidly tryin 2 avoid rain drops from touchin my newly washd fro! Wouldn't mind so much if da rain water was clean bt it aint! And I aint gettin ne toxic dump on my hair fank u very much!

*this post has been saved in my memos for a while... So its a bit late... Since then a lot has happened but I am working on getting over it...*

Friday 22 October 2010

Hair BE GONE!!

So after about 5 weeks of my million braids... i finally decided my hair had been tortured enough....

After 7hrs 15 mins and 4 movies later- the dreaded million braids were out... to be honest... the experience of having them in was not as plesant as i thought it would be.... i imagined experiment with various different flowing hair styles, curls, and fancy pile ups... instead i found myself being cautious to pack it into one, because of the dreaded no hair line effect it could cause if i pulled it to tight....
i think it is going to be a whilllee before i get it done again!

funnily... when my hair was in braids... i found my self MISSING my afro hair... i really did... and for some reason i dont even want to do the weave thing... for a long while... i am just... turned off slightly! hmm strange...

I am embracing myself... in the most naturalist form.. bt saying that i need something to jazz it up because as you probably know by now, i have been told that i look like a 16 year old school kid!

*note to self! learn how to use punctuation... and by a dictionary!lol*

anyways... so whilst i sit here waiting for my conditioner to do its stuff.. i am wondering whether i should cut my fro all the way down.... my ends are so week! after my silly experimental stage of texturiser... *never again i promise you dear hair*.... but i duno... will i have the confidence to rock the short fro? when i mean short... i really mean short... well after the conditioner comes of i will see how i feel then... but for now my sisscor fingers are tingling!!

I will let you know of the outcome... soon as i wash this DC of my head....

to be continued...